A 30-pack of blank CDs costs $9.50. A 50-pack of blank CDs costs $13. How can you tell which is the better buy?

Find the unit cost of 1 CD

9.50 / 30 = $________ each

I got it after I post it. Thanks again.

You're welcome.

To determine which is the better buy, we need to compare the cost per CD in each pack. Here's how you can do it:

1. Calculate the cost per CD in the 30-pack:
Cost per CD = Total cost / Number of CDs
Cost per CD = $9.50 / 30 CDs

2. Calculate the cost per CD in the 50-pack:
Cost per CD = Total cost / Number of CDs
Cost per CD = $13 / 50 CDs

3. Compare the cost per CD in both packs:
- If the cost per CD in the 30-pack is lower than the cost per CD in the 50-pack, then the 30-pack is the better buy.
- If the cost per CD in the 30-pack is higher than the cost per CD in the 50-pack, then the 50-pack is the better buy.
- If the cost per CD in the 30-pack is equal to the cost per CD in the 50-pack, then both packs have the same value.

So, by comparing the cost per CD in each pack, you can determine which is the better buy.