Which of the following exhibits adult supervision with full accountability?

A. In-home care or out-of-home care in a center with a child and youth leader B. Sending a child to lessons or other youth groups to be looked after C. Self-care for the child in his or her own home setting D. Checking in from time to time to make sure that the child is safe


I don't like any of the answer choices. Go with the information supplied in your book.

To determine which option exhibits adult supervision with full accountability, let's review the choices provided:

A. In-home care or out-of-home care in a center with a child and youth leader: This option involves having a trained adult present, either in the child's home or in a center, to take care of the child. However, the level of accountability mentioned is not specified.

B. Sending a child to lessons or other youth groups to be looked after: This option suggests that the child is being supervised and cared for by adults while attending lessons or participating in youth groups. This option implies adult supervision with full accountability.

C. Self-care for the child in his or her own home setting: This option states that the child is taking care of themselves in their own home. While the child may be responsible for their own needs, this option lacks adult supervision and accountability.

D. Checking in from time to time to make sure that the child is safe: This option implies periodic monitoring of the child's safety but does not involve constant adult supervision and accountability.

Based on the options provided, option B ("Sending a child to lessons or other youth groups to be looked after") exhibits adult supervision with full accountability since the child is being supervised by adults while participating in activities.