According to research led by Sarina Saturn, which of the following is predicted by variations of a particular gene on the third chromosome, which influences oxytocin functioning?

How well a person reads others’ emotions.

How sensitive of a parent a person will be.

The extent to which a person will rely on others for social support.

All of the above.

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all of the above

All of the above

To find the answer to this question, we can start by understanding the research led by Sarina Saturn. Sarina Saturn is a researcher known for her work on genetics and social behavior. In her research, she studied the role of a particular gene on the third chromosome that influences oxytocin functioning.

Oxytocin is a hormone and neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in social bonding and trust. It has been implicated in various social behaviors, including reading others' emotions, being a sensitive parent, and relying on others for social support.

Now, to determine which of the given options is predicted by variations of this particular gene, we need to look for evidence from the research led by Sarina Saturn.

Unfortunately, at the time of this response, I don't have access to the specific research done by Sarina Saturn. However, you can find the information by conducting a literature search using relevant keywords like "Sarina Saturn research oxytocin gene variations" or by directly accessing scientific databases and searching for her published studies. Scholarly databases like PubMed or Google Scholar may provide you with more information on her research and the specific findings related to the influence of the gene on the third chromosome.

By reviewing Sarina Saturn's research and examining relevant studies, you should be able to determine which of the given options is predicted by variations of this particular gene.