Predict the number of atoms of each element that would be needed to form a molecule of cadmium sulfide?


To predict the number of atoms of each element in a molecule of cadmium sulfide, we need to know the chemical formula of cadmium sulfide. The chemical formula provides the information about the number of atoms of each element present in a single molecule.

Cadmium sulfide has the chemical formula CdS. Let's break down the chemical formula to determine the number of atoms of each element.

In CdS, "Cd" represents the symbol of the element cadmium, and "S" represents the symbol of the element sulfur.

The chemical formula tells us that there is one atom of cadmium (Cd) and one atom of sulfur (S) in a molecule of cadmium sulfide (CdS).

Therefore, to form a molecule of cadmium sulfide (CdS), you would need one atom of cadmium and one atom of sulfur.


And what do you think and why?