Information found in a typical word entry are a language of origin, correct pronunciation, a job, job description, list of relatives, synonyms, and

(A) signs.
(B) obituary.
(C) proofreading marks.
(D) capitalization.

Typical entry in what source?


Dictionary entries don't have a job or job description.

However, dictionaries do show which words should be capitalized.

A ________ may be a whole word or part of a word, but always has a single uninterrupted sound.

(A) syllable
(B) consonant
(C) vowel
(D) homonym

What do you think?

The correct answer is (C) proofreading marks. In a typical word entry, you can find information like the language of origin, correct pronunciation, a job, job description, list of relatives, synonyms, and proofreading marks.

To arrive at this answer, it's important to understand the different components usually found in a word entry. Here's a breakdown of each option:

(A) Signs: This does not typically appear in a word entry. Signs may refer to physical gestures or symbols used to convey information but are not commonly included in word entries.

(B) Obituary: An obituary is an announcement of a person's death, which is irrelevant to a word entry. It is not related to the linguistic information one would typically find in a word entry.

(C) Proofreading Marks: These marks are symbols or annotations used to correct errors and make changes in written text. While they are not always present in every word entry, they are commonly found alongside definitions and examples in dictionaries, helping indicate necessary corrections.

(D) Capitalization: While capitalization is an essential aspect of writing conventions, it is not typically specified in word entries. Capitalization rules are generally learned through grammar and style guidelines rather than being a dedicated element within word entries.

In conclusion, the correct option is (C) proofreading marks since they are often included in word entries to provide additional information for editing and revising written text.