10. Estimate 30% of the student population. You must show all of your work and provide an explanation.

*There are 850 students.

0.3 * 900 = 270

My estimate would be between 250 and 260

how did you get 900?

I rounded 850 to the nearest 100.

I don't understand you. Can you please explain the answer more!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What part don't you understand?

To estimate 30% of the student population, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate 10% of the student population.
To find 10% of a number, you divide the number by 10. So, to find 10% of 850 students, you divide 850 by 10.
10% of 850 = (850 ÷ 10) = 85 students.

Step 2: Calculate 1% of the student population.
Since we know that 10% of 850 students is 85, we can calculate 1% by dividing 85 by 10.
1% of 850 = (85 ÷ 10) = 8.5 students.

Step 3: Calculate 30% of the student population.
To find 30%, you multiply 1% by 30.
30% of 850 = (8.5 × 30) = 255 students.

Therefore, an estimate of 30% of the student population of 850 students is 255 students.