Can someone please check these problems? Thank you!

Solve each equation for the indicated value.

1. a-b=-c, for a
I got a=-c+b

2. 4y+6x=12, for y
I got y=-3/2x+3



john, who is 42 years old, has a nephew age 9. In how many years will the age of his nephew be one fourth john's age?

To check the solutions to these equations, you can simply substitute the values you obtained back into the original equations and see if they satisfy them.

1. Original equation: a - b = -c
Substituting a = -c + b, we get: (-c + b) - b = -c
Expanding the equation: -c + b - b = -c
Simplifying: -2b = 0

If you substitute -2b = 0 back into the original equation, you will see that it satisfies the equation, which means your solution is correct.

2. Original equation: 4y + 6x = 12
Substituting y = -3/2x + 3, we get: 4(-3/2x + 3) + 6x = 12
Expanding and simplifying: -6x + 12 + 6x = 12
Simplifying further: 12 = 12

If you substitute 12 = 12 back into the original equation, you will see that it satisfies the equation, confirming that your solution is correct.