What percent less than 45 is 25?


Amount it is less by = 45-25 = 20

as a percentage that is 20/45 =.44444..
or appr 44.4%

To find the percent less, you need to calculate the difference between the two quantities in question, and then divide that difference by the original amount. Finally, multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

In this case, to find the percent that 25 is less than 45, you would subtract 25 from 45:

45 - 25 = 20

Then, you divide the difference, which is 20, by the original amount, 45:

20 / 45 ≈ 0.4444

Finally, multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage:

0.4444 × 100 ≈ 44.44

Therefore, 25 is approximately 44.44% less than 45.