Fill in the empty spaces to complete the puzzle. In any row, the two left spaces should multiply to equal the right-hand space. In any column, the two top spaces should multiply to equal the bottom space.

________| - 3 | ___________
3 | -5x+1 |-15x+3
_______ | ________| 30x²-96x+18


bottom right square divided by -15x+3 but that is not the right answer. please help

Hmmm. You have

TR(-15x+3) = (-15x+3)(-2x+6)
So, TopRight = -2x+6

BC = -3(-5x+1) = 15x-3
So, BottomCenter = 15x-3

That means BottomLeft = 2x-6

TopLeft = (-2x+6)/-3 = 2/3 x - 2

So, the filled-in square is

(2/3 x - 2) (-3)(-2x+6)

To complete the puzzle, you need to find the missing values that satisfy the given conditions.

Let's focus on the row with the equation "3 * (-5x + 1) = -15x + 3".

To solve this equation and find the missing value, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the multiplication on the left side of the equation:
3 * -5x + 3 * 1 = -15x + 3

Step 2: Simplify the equation:
-15x + 3 = -15x + 3

Step 3: Notice that the terms with "x" (-15x) cancel each other out, leaving the equation simply as:
3 = 3

Step 4: Since this equation is always true, the missing value in the empty space is any real number.

Hence, there isn't a specific value that goes in the blank space. Rather, any number can fit there and satisfy the condition of the puzzle.

Similarly, you need to follow the same steps for the remaining rows and check if there are any additional constraints or conditions provided to further narrow down the possible values.

Remember, the goal is to find values that make the left-hand side of each equation multiply to equal the right-hand side.