Jodi says that if you double the radius of a right circular cone and divide the slant height by 2, then the surface area of the cone stays the same since the 2s cancel each other out. How do you respond?

surface area= PI*r(r + aqrt(h^2+r^2))

notice slant height is sqrt(h^2+r^2)
surface area= pi*r (r+slantheight)

lets try it:
double r, divide slant by 2
surfacearea=pi(2r(2r+slantheight/2 )
= pi*r (4r+slantheight)

doesn't look the same to me...

Jodi's statement is incorrect. Doubling the radius of a right circular cone and dividing the slant height by 2 will not keep the surface area of the cone the same. The surface area of a cone is given by the formula:

A = πr(r + √(r^2 + h^2))

where A is the surface area, r is the radius, and h is the height (or slant height) of the cone.

If we double the radius, the new radius will be 2r, and if we divide the slant height by 2, the new slant height will be h/2. Plugging these values into the surface area formula, we get:

A' = π(2r)(2r + √((2r)^2 + (h/2)^2))
= π(2r)(2r + √(4r^2 + h^2/4))
= π(2r)(2r + √(4(r^2 + h^2/4)))
= 4πr^2 + 2πrh

As we can see, the surface area has changed and is not the same as the original surface area of the cone. Therefore, Jodi's claim that doubling the radius and dividing the slant height will keep the surface area the same is false.

Jodi's statement that doubling the radius and halving the slant height of a right circular cone will keep the surface area the same is incorrect. To verify this, let's go through the steps to calculate the surface area of a cone and compare the results before and after the changes mentioned by Jodi.

The surface area of a right circular cone is given by the formula:

Surface Area = πr(r + l),

where r represents the radius and l represents the slant height.

Let's assume the original cone has a radius of r and a slant height of l.

According to Jodi's statement, if we double the radius, the new radius would be 2r. If we divide the slant height by 2 as suggested, the new slant height would be l/2.

Now, let's calculate the surface area of the original cone:

Surface Area (Original Cone) = πr(r + l).

And let's calculate the surface area of the modified cone:

Surface Area (Modified Cone) = π(2r)(2r + l/2).

Let's simplify both expressions:

Surface Area (Original Cone) = πr^2 + πrl,

Surface Area (Modified Cone) = 4πr^2 + πrl.

As we can see, the surface area of the modified cone is not equal to the surface area of the original cone. The extra term 3πr^2 in the modified cone's surface area expression, 4πr^2 + πrl, indicates that the surface area has indeed changed.

So, in conclusion, Jodi's statement that the surface area of a cone remains the same when you double the radius and divide the slant height by 2 is incorrect.