Which of the following conclusions is supported by the results of these studies

None, apparently!


To determine which conclusion is supported by the results of the studies, we would need more specific information about the studies and their findings. However, I can guide you on how to analyze the results and draw your own conclusions.

1. Start by carefully reviewing the studies and any accompanying data or measurements provided.
2. Identify the research objectives or questions being addressed in the studies.
3. Examine the methods used in the studies, including the sample size, study design, data collection, and statistical analysis.
4. Identify any patterns, trends, or relationships observed in the data.
5. Consider the limitations of the studies, such as possible biases, confounding factors, or external influences.
6. Compare the conclusions drawn by the researchers and evaluate their reasoning based on the evidence presented.
7. Formulate your own conclusion by weighing the evidence and considering alternative explanations or interpretations.

Given that the question does not provide any specific studies or findings, it is not possible to determine which conclusion is supported by the results. Therefore, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis of the studies themselves to arrive at an informed conclusion.