Points A and B lie on the graph of the equation y = -4.3x. What are the y coordinates for each point?

Point A: (-3, ) Point B: (5, )

Not multiple choice.. confused on how to find the other points

you are given the equation

y = -4.3x

and in each point, one of the variables is given, so just plug that in and evaluate.

e.g. for B
x = 5, so y = -4.3(5) = -21.5

you do the first one


To find the y-coordinate for each point, you can substitute the x-coordinate into the equation y = -4.3x and solve for y. Let's calculate the y-coordinate for each point:

For Point A: (-3, )
Substitute x = -3 into the equation: y = -4.3x
y = -4.3 * (-3)
y = 12.9

The y-coordinate for Point A is 12.9.

For Point B: (5, )
Substitute x = 5 into the equation: y = -4.3x
y = -4.3 * 5
y = -21.5

The y-coordinate for Point B is -21.5.