You have 1kg of aluminum (E=69GPa) to make a cylindrical tube with a high Euler buckling load. The tube must have a length L of 0.5m. You can either make a solid tube, or a thin walled tube with a wall thickness, t=0.5cm. The density of aluminum is 2700kg/m3. The tubes are pin-pin ended; assume n=1.

What is the Euler buckling load, Pcr,sol (in kN), for the solid tube?

Pcr,sol (in kN):

What is the Euler buckling load, Pcr,sol (in kN),for the thin-walled tube?

Which design is better?
The solid tube
The thin-walled tube

To find the Euler buckling load for the solid tube, we can use the formula:

Pcr,sol = (π² * E * A) / (L / r)²

- Pcr,sol is the Euler buckling load for the solid tube,
- E is the modulus of elasticity for aluminum (69 GPa = 69 * 10⁹ Pa),
- A is the cross-sectional area of the tube, and
- r is the radius of the tube.

The cross-sectional area of a solid cylindrical tube is given by:

A = π * r²

Given that the tube has a mass of 1 kg and the density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m³, we can find the volume of the tube using:

Volume = mass / density = 1 kg / 2700 kg/m³

Since the tube is solid, the volume can also be expressed as:

Volume = π * r² * L

Using these equations, we can solve for the radius:

1 / (2700 kg/m³) = π * r² * 0.5 m
r² = (1 / (π * 2700 kg/m³ * 0.5 m))
r = √(1 / (π * 2700 kg/m³ * 0.5 m))

Once we have the radius, we can calculate the cross-sectional area:

A = π * r²

Finally, we substitute the values of E, A, L, and r into the formula for Pcr,sol to find the Euler buckling load for the solid tube.