Find the smallest integer x where the expression srt(x-2)/x^2+x-6 is defined. I factored the denominator (x+3)(x-2) and the smallest value is 2 so the whole expression would have a value of 0. But, that is not the right answer. Thank you!

To find the smallest integer x where the expression (sqrt(x-2))/(x^2+x-6) is defined, you need to consider the domain of the expression.

You correctly factored the denominator as (x+3)(x-2), which means the expression will be undefined when either x+3 or x-2 is equal to zero. So, we have two cases to consider:

Case 1: x+3 = 0
Solving for x in this case, we get x = -3.

Case 2: x-2 = 0
Solving for x in this case, we get x = 2.

Therefore, based on your calculations, the smallest x value that makes the expression undefined is x = -3.

However, the question asks for the smallest integer x where the expression is defined. The expression is defined as long as the denominator is not zero, which means x cannot take on the values that make the expression undefined.

In this case, the smallest integer x where the expression is defined would be the smallest integer greater than 2. So, the correct answer would be x = 3.

To find the smallest integer x where the expression srt(x-2)/x^2+x-6 is defined, we need to consider the restrictions on the expression.

First, let's focus on the numerator: sqrt(x-2).

To ensure the numerator is defined, we need x-2 to be greater than or equal to 0, since the square root of a negative number is undefined. Therefore, we have:

x - 2 ≥ 0

Adding 2 to both sides gives us:

x ≥ 2

Now, let's consider the denominator: x^2 + x - 6.

To ensure the denominator is defined, we need to avoid any values of x that would make the denominator equal to 0. Therefore, we have:

(x + 3)(x - 2) ≠ 0

Setting each factor to zero and solving for x gives us:

x + 3 = 0 --> x = -3
x - 2 = 0 --> x = 2

We can see that x = 2 is a value to exclude because it would make the denominator equal to 0, which would result in an undefined expression.

Therefore, the smallest integer x where the expression is defined would be the next smallest integer greater than 2, which is 3.

So, the answer is x = 3.