Vanessa has 3 yards of cotton. She needs 3/4 yard for each skirt she makes. How many skirts can she make?

3÷3/4 = 12/3= 4 skirts

To find out how many skirts Vanessa can make, we need to divide the total yards of cotton she has by the amount of fabric needed for each skirt.

Total yards of cotton = 3 yards
Fabric needed for each skirt = 3/4 yard

To find the number of skirts:
Number of skirts = Total yards of cotton / Fabric needed for each skirt

Substituting the given values:
Number of skirts = 3 yards / (3/4) yard

Now, to divide a number by a fraction, we multiply the number by the reciprocal of the fraction.

Reciprocal of 3/4 = 4/3

Number of skirts = 3 yards * (4/3)

To multiply a whole number by a fraction, we multiply the numerator (top part) and leave the denominator (bottom part) the same.

Number of skirts = (3 * 4) / 3

Multiplying the numerator:
Number of skirts = 12 / 3

Now, we can simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

Number of skirts = 4

Therefore, Vanessa can make 4 skirts with her 3 yards of cotton.

3/0.75 = ?

2 skirts