Draw 1- fluoro 2- iodobenzene


On here as


OH dear and it looked OK on my screen!!!


To draw 1-fluoro-2-iodobenzene, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with a benzene ring, which is a hexagon (six-membered ring) with alternating double bonds.

2. Identify the carbon atoms on the benzene ring. They are usually numbered clockwise or counterclockwise, starting from any chosen position. In this case, we want to place the fluorine (F) atom on carbon number 1 and the iodine (I) atom on carbon number 2.

3. Draw a single bond between carbon atoms 1 and 2 on the benzene ring. This represents the foundation of the molecule.

4. Place a fluorine (F) atom on carbon number 1. Fluorine is a halogen element, and it will be attached to carbon number 1.

5. Place an iodine (I) atom on carbon number 2. Iodine is another halogen element, and it will be attached to carbon number 2.

Remember to consider the positioning of the atoms in three-dimensional space, but for simplicity, I will describe the structure in a two-dimensional representation.

Your final structure for 1-fluoro-2-iodobenzene should look like this:


I hope this helps! If you're interested in learning more about organic chemistry and how to draw different molecules, there are plenty of resources available online, such as chemistry textbooks or online tutorials, that can provide further guidance.