Which set represents a Pythagorean triple?

A. 2,5,6
B. 6,8,10
C. 8,8,128
D. 8,10,256
Is the answer D?

No. Use a^2 + b^2 = c^2 to help find the correct answer. Please see the other posts for these type of questions.

I think I see where I went wrong is the answer B?

Yes, B is the correct answer.

Thank you :)

You're welcome!! :)

To determine which set represents a Pythagorean triple, we need to check if it follows the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Let's evaluate each option:

A. (2, 5, 6): Squaring the numbers, we get 4, 25, 36. However, 4+25 is not equal to 36, so this is not a Pythagorean triple.

B. (6, 8, 10): Squaring the numbers, we get 36, 64, 100. Now, if we add the smaller numbers, 36 + 64, it equals 100. This fulfills the Pythagorean theorem, so this set, (6, 8, 10), is a Pythagorean triple.

C. (8, 8, 128): Squaring the numbers, we get 64, 64, 16384. However, 64 + 64 is not equal to 16384, so this is not a Pythagorean triple.

D. (8, 10, 256): Squaring the numbers, we get 64, 100, 65536. However, 64 + 100 is not equal to 65536, so this is not a Pythagorean triple.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B, (6, 8, 10).