Which one of the following qualities do not help children assess situations and assist them in interactions with others? A. Strong self esteem B. Respect for the view point of others C. Closed-mindedness D. Flexibility 

 A is the answer 


Read the question carefully.

Is it C.


Thank you

To determine the answer, let's analyze each of the given qualities and assess how they help or hinder children in assessing situations and interacting with others.

A. Strong self-esteem: Having a strong self-esteem generally helps children assess situations and interact with others positively. When children have a healthy level of self-confidence and self-worth, they are more likely to be open to new experiences, express themselves honestly, and engage in constructive interactions with others. Therefore, strong self-esteem supports children in assessing situations and interacting effectively.

B. Respect for the viewpoint of others: Respect for the viewpoint of others is a crucial quality that helps children assess situations and interact with others smoothly. When children show respect for differing perspectives, they become more empathetic, open-minded, and understanding. This allows them to consider multiple viewpoints, engage in meaningful discussions, and negotiate conflicts effectively.

C. Closed-mindedness: Closed-mindedness is the quality that does not help children assess situations and assist them in interactions with others. If a child is closed-minded, they may be unwilling to consider alternative perspectives, dismiss ideas without proper evaluation, and have difficulty adapting to new or challenging situations. This lack of open-mindedness can hinder their ability to accurately assess situations and interact effectively with others.

D. Flexibility: Flexibility is another important quality that supports children in assessing situations and assisting them in interactions with others. When children are flexible, they can adapt to changes, see things from different angles, and adjust their behaviors and attitudes accordingly. This adaptability helps them navigate various social situations, collaborate with others, and find solutions to problems.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the quality that does not help children assess situations and assist them in interactions with others is option C, closed-mindedness.