An inverse relationship can be represented by:

a straight line

a bar chart

Of the two, the line is best.

An inverse relationship is a type of relationship between two variables where they have opposite trends. It means that as one variable increases, the other variable decreases, and vice versa.

To determine if an inverse relationship can be represented by a straight line or a bar chart, we need to understand the type of variables involved.

A straight line is typically used to represent a continuous relationship between two continuous variables. In this case, both variables can take on any value within a certain range, and the relationship between them is shown by a line that passes through the data points plotted on a graph.

On the other hand, a bar chart is commonly used when one variable is categorical (divided into categories) and the other variable is continuous. It represents data using rectangular bars of different heights, where the length of the bars corresponds to the quantity or frequency in each category.

Given that an inverse relationship is a type of continuous relationship between two variables, it can be represented by a straight line rather than a bar chart. The line would slope downward from left to right, indicating the inverse trend between the variables.