The size of the chosen symbols on a graph may be used to indicate the:

location of the data

coordinates of the data

uncertainty of the data

relationship of the variables

Looks to me like uncertainty

Can't see how size could depict the other characteristics.

I can see where a large dot would indicate fuzzy precision, and a small dot would indicate greater accuracy.

To determine the purpose of using symbols of different sizes on a graph, you need to consider how to interpret the graph and its components. In this case, the size of the symbols is typically used to indicate the relationship of the variables.

To understand the relationship of the variables using symbols of different sizes, follow these steps:

1. Examine the legend or the key: The legend or key on the graph will explain the meaning of different symbols used. Look for any indication that symbol size represents a specific variable or characteristic.

2. Analyze the data points: Look at the plotted data points on the graph. If different symbols are utilized, observe their sizes and any pattern or trend that emerges.

3. Compare the size of the symbols: Compare the sizes of the symbols associated with the data points. Identify any variations or patterns. Larger symbols may represent higher values or greater significance, while smaller symbols may indicate lower values or less significance.

4. Consider the context and purpose: Consider the purpose of the graph and the context of the data being presented. Based on this information, evaluate whether symbol size is being used to convey the relationship between variables. For example, if the graph represents data at different time points, the size of symbols might indicate the magnitude of change over time.

Remember, the interpretation may vary depending on the specific graph and the information provided. Always refer to the graph's legend or explanatory notes to ensure accurate understanding.