The size of the chosen symbols on a graph may be used to indicate the:

location of the data

coordinates of the data

uncertainty of the data

relationship of the variables

relationship of the variables

can someone plz help me?

sorry bad timing

but thank you. :)

The size of the chosen symbols on a graph may be used to indicate the relationship of the variables. To understand why, let's break down the different options mentioned:

1. Location of the data: The location of the data is typically represented using the x and y coordinates on a graph. The size of symbols is not directly related to the specific location of the data points.

2. Coordinates of the data: As mentioned earlier, the coordinates of the data points are usually represented by the x and y axis on a graph. The size of symbols is not typically used to indicate the specific coordinates.

3. Uncertainty of the data: The uncertainty of the data is typically represented using error bars or confidence intervals around the data points, rather than the size of the symbols.

4. Relationship of the variables: The size of the chosen symbols on a graph is commonly used to indicate the relationship between the variables. For example, if you are comparing two variables, you can allocate different sizes to the symbols based on the values of one variable to highlight the relationship with the other variable. This can be especially useful if you are trying to visualize the strength or significance of the relationship between the variables.

In summary, the size of symbols on a graph is useful for indicating the relationship between variables, rather than the location, coordinates, or uncertainty of the data.