the mass of the truckand its contents is 7460kg. find the magnitude of the forces exerted by the ground a) the front wheels b)the rearwheels of the truck.

To find the magnitude of the forces exerted by the ground on the front and rear wheels of the truck, we need to consider the concept of weight and Newton's third law of motion.

a) The front wheels:
The weight of the truck and its contents is the force exerted on the ground by the truck. According to Newton's third law, the ground exerts an equal and opposite force on the truck, which is the force exerted by the ground on the front wheels.

To calculate the magnitude of this force, we can use the equation F = m * g, where F is the force, m is the mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Let's assume g to be approximately 9.8 m/s^2 (on Earth).

So, the force exerted by the ground on the front wheels (F_front) can be calculated as:
F_front = m * g

b) The rear wheels:
Similarly, the force exerted by the ground on the rear wheels will also be equal to the weight of the truck and its contents.

Therefore, the force exerted by the ground on the rear wheels (F_rear) can be calculated as:
F_rear = m * g

Substituting the given mass of the truck and its contents (m = 7460 kg) into these equations, we can find the magnitudes of the forces exerted by the ground on the front and rear wheels.