To say that all African Americans are fast runners is an example of

A. sexism. B. ableism. C. ageism. D. stereotyping.

D is my Answer.


You are correct, the answer is D. stereotyping. Stereotyping refers to making assumptions or generalizations about a group of people based on their membership in a particular category or group. In this case, the statement "all African Americans are fast runners" is making a generalization about the athletic abilities of African Americans, which is an example of a stereotype.

To arrive at this answer, it's important to understand the definition of each option:

A. Sexism: Sexism refers to discrimination or prejudice based on a person's gender or sex. The statement about African Americans being fast runners does not specifically pertain to gender or sex, so it is not an example of sexism.

B. Ableism: Ableism refers to discrimination or prejudice based on someone's abilities or disabilities. While the statement reflects an assumption about the athletic abilities of African Americans, it does not specifically address the ability or disability of individuals, so it is not an example of ableism.

C. Ageism: Ageism refers to discrimination or prejudice based on a person's age, particularly against older individuals. The statement in question does not mention age or apply to a specific age group, so it is not an example of ageism.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. stereotyping.