gracie read 150 pages of a book. the book is 227 pages long which equation shows the amount she still needs to read to finish a story

n + 150 = 227

150 + x = 227

Solve for x

To find the amount Gracie still needs to read to finish the story, you can subtract the number of pages she has already read from the total number of pages in the book.

So, the equation would be:

Amount Gracie still needs to read = Total number of pages - Number of pages she has already read

In this case, the total number of pages in the book is 227, and Gracie has already read 150 pages. Substituting these values into the equation:

Amount Gracie still needs to read = 227 - 150

Simplifying the equation gives us:

Amount Gracie still needs to read = 77 pages

Therefore, Gracie still needs to read 77 pages to finish the story.