What transition is suitable to be placed before the word or?

I need to know the context in which you are putting this word in. Tell me the sentence

Neither Francine or her sister can swim well.

Or is the wrong word here. It should be "nor."

Neither Francine nor her sister can swim well.


To determine a suitable transition to use before the word "or," you need to consider the context and the relationship between the two options being presented. Here are a few transition words that might be appropriate:

1. "Either": This transition word expresses a choice between two alternatives. For example, "You can either go to the movies or stay at home."

2. "Alternatively": This word indicates another option or choice. For instance, "You can go for a walk, or alternatively, you can read a book."

3. "On the other hand": This phrase introduces a contrasting option or alternative. For example, "You can order pizza for dinner, or on the other hand, you can cook pasta."

4. "Otherwise": This transition suggests what will happen if one option is not chosen. For example, "You need to submit the report by the end of the day, or otherwise, you might face consequences."

Remember, the suitability of each transition depends on the specific context and the relationship between the options being presented. Consider the tone, purpose, and meaning of your sentence or paragraph for the most appropriate choice.