Pleasant Beach is two meters above sea level at its highest point. If the ocean waves along the shore increase to a height of five meters, then the elevation of Pleasant Beach will most likely

A.decrease to nearly zero meters
B.increase to more than two meters
C.decrease slightly below two meters
D.increase to more than 5 meters

.increase to more than two meters

The correct answer is B. increase to more than two meters.

To determine how the elevation of Pleasant Beach would be affected by the increased height of ocean waves, we need to understand the relationship between wave height and beach elevation.

When waves crash onto a beach, they tend to erode the sand and gradually reduce the elevation of the beach. However, the process of erosion is not instantaneous and depends on various factors, including wave energy, sediment availability, and the shape of the beach.

In this case, if the ocean waves increase to a height of five meters, it is reasonable to assume that the energy and power of the waves would also increase. As a result, the waves would likely exert more force on the beach, leading to erosion and a decrease in the elevation of Pleasant Beach.

However, given that the highest point of Pleasant Beach is already two meters above sea level, it is unlikely that the beach would decrease to nearly zero meters in elevation. This scenario would require significant erosion and possibly a catastrophic event.

Therefore, the most likely outcome would be that the elevation of Pleasant Beach would decrease slightly below two meters (Option C). The exact amount of decrease would depend on the specific conditions and characteristics of the beach.

It's important to note that beach dynamics can be complex and influenced by various factors, so this explanation provides a general understanding but may not perfectly reflect the behavior of every beach in every circumstance.