1. The Puritans changes English society when they took power by:

a)requiring all to attend church services three times a day
b)outlawing newspapers and entertainment
c) banished all catholics from england
d) none of the above

I chose b.

2. The tone of "Song" can best be described as:

I chose b.

3.The theme of the poem "Song" differs from the themes of the Renaissance poetry in that "Song":
a) does not idealize women on love
b) believes women are strong and intelligent
c) praises the mind of a woman, not the beauty
d) both b and c

I chose a.

4. The poem is called "Easter Wings" because:
a) easter is a time of cleansing
b) Easter is in spring and springtime is a time of renewal
c)wings are symbolic of heavenly beings
d) easter commemorates christ dying for our sins and herbert feels easter gives him wings and the ability to be saved and go to heaven

I chose d.

"Song" by Donne

"Easter Wings" by George Herbert

#1... I find no evidence on any of those changes in English society under the Puritans.


#2 and #3... I agree with you.

#4 of the choices there, d would be the best. This site has a better analysis.


You are totally welcome!

To check your answers to these questions, let's go through each one and explain how to arrive at the correct choice:

1. The Puritans changes English society when they took power by:
a) requiring all to attend church services three times a day
b) outlawing newspapers and entertainment
c) banished all Catholics from England
d) none of the above

To find the correct answer, you need to recall the actions of the Puritans when they took power. They were known for their strict religious beliefs and practices. Out of the given options, only choice a) mentions a religious requirement, but attending church services three times a day was not one of the Puritans' specific changes. Choice b) mentions the banning of newspapers and entertainment, which is more consistent with the Puritans' actions. Therefore, choice b) is the correct answer.

2. The tone of "Song" can best be described as:
a) optimistic
b) cynical
c) happy
d) encouraging

To determine the tone of a poem, you should focus on the language, imagery, and message conveyed. Read the poem "Song" and consider the overall feeling it presents. If you believe the tone is skeptical, distrustful, or mocking, then you would choose b) cynical. However, if the poem has a more positive, uplifting, or hopeful tone, you would select a) optimistic. Without the text of the poem, it is difficult for me to determine the correct choice. I would suggest revisiting the poem and examining the language and mood it evokes to arrive at the correct answer.

3. The theme of the poem "Song" differs from the themes of the Renaissance poetry in that "Song":
a) does not idealize women on love
b) believes women are strong and intelligent
c) praises the mind of a woman, not the beauty
d) both b and c

To determine the theme of a poem, you need to analyze its central message or underlying idea. The given options provide various thematic distinctions. Without the text of the poem, it is difficult for me to determine the correct choice. I would recommend revisiting the poem and considering the portrayal of women and love it presents to identify the dissimilarity with Renaissance poetry.

4. The poem is called "Easter Wings" because:
a) Easter is a time of cleansing
b) Easter is in spring and springtime is a time of renewal
c) wings are symbolic of heavenly beings
d) Easter commemorates Christ dying for our sins, and Herbert feels Easter gives him wings and the ability to be saved and go to heaven

To determine the reason for the title "Easter Wings," you need to analyze the poem itself and the associations made within it. Without the text of the poem, it is difficult for me to determine the correct choice. I would suggest revisiting the poem and examining the imagery, symbolism, and references to Easter and wings to identify the most fitting explanation for the title.

Remember, fully understanding the context and content of the poem or topic is crucial for accurately answering such questions.