Which of the following should you do during your third read of the multi-draft reading process?

A: Identify the author's tone and viewpoint

B: Evaluate how the selection compares to another

C: Examine the type of organization used in the selection

D: Determine the author's purpose for writing

Love That Is 100% correct answers are

C promise

Sorry but the correct answer are


I vote for B. What does your text say?

Hi we're doing the same assessment if you ever got the answers could you give them to me?

The correct answer would be B. Evaluate how the selection compares to another.

which phrase best represents the meaning of the word determined in paragraph 4

Lesson 2: Close Reading Workshop: Poetry.

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
your welcome!!
Language Arts 8 B Unit 2: Voices in Verse.

So what is the answer?

the answers are

i just took it and these were the answers

To determine what you should do during your third read of the multi-draft reading process, let's examine each option.

A: Identify the author's tone and viewpoint: This refers to the author's attitude or feeling towards the subject matter and their perspective. To identify the author's tone and viewpoint, you can pay attention to specific words and phrases used, the overall mood conveyed, and any biases or opinions present in the text. Look for clues in the language used and the emotions evoked by the author.

B: Evaluate how the selection compares to another: This option involves comparing the current selection you're reading with another piece of writing. You can consider similarities and differences in their themes, arguments, styles, or any other relevant aspects. This helps in analyzing the text in a broader context and understanding its unique qualities.

C: Examine the type of organization used in the selection: The organization refers to how the author has structured the text. It can include various elements like the order of ideas, the use of headings and subheadings, transitions between paragraphs, etc. Analyzing the organization helps in understanding how the author has presented their ideas and arguments, and how they are logically connected.

D: Determine the author’s purpose for writing: This involves identifying the reasons behind the author's decision to write the text. Common purposes include informing, persuading, entertaining, or expressing personal thoughts or experiences. Understanding the author's purpose helps in comprehending their message and intended impact on the readers.

Considering the options, the most appropriate choice for the third read of the multi-draft reading process would be either A: Identify the author's tone and viewpoint or D: Determine the author's purpose for writing.

Ultimately, the specific choice between these two options may depend on the nature of the text and your reading goals. However, both options are essential in deepening your understanding of the author's intentions and message.