Please help me solve these two problems. My addition sign is not working on my keyboard.

a^4b plus a^2b^3

18z plus 45plus z^2

I assume you want to factor the expressions?

a^4b + a^2b^3 = a^2b(a^2+b^2)

z^2 + 18z + 45 = (z+3)(z+15)

Thank you Steve and can you please explain how you got both answers, so that I can get a better understanding. Thanks

I'm sorry to hear that your addition sign is not working on your keyboard. However, I can still help you solve the problems using alternative methods.

For the first problem, a^4b plus a^2b^3, we can factor out the common terms to simplify the expression. The common term here is "ab", so we can write it as:

ab(a^4 + a^2b^2)

Now, we have factored out the common term and simplified the expression.

For the second problem, 18z plus 45 plus z^2, we can combine like terms to simplify the expression. The like terms here are the terms with "z" in them, so we can combine them as follows:

18z + z^2 + 45

There isn't any common factor that can be factored out further, so we have simplified the expression by combining like terms.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.