In this study unit, discipline refers to behaviors that are

A. self-regulated.B. harsh.C. expected.D. punitive.


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To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the meaning of the term "discipline." Discipline typically refers to a set of rules, actions, or behaviors that are intended to enforce order and control in a specific area, such as personal conduct, professional behavior, or academic standards.

In the given options:

A. Self-regulated: This answer choice suggests that discipline refers to behaviors that individuals impose upon themselves. Self-regulation is more closely related to self-discipline, where individuals voluntarily adhere to certain rules or standards. While self-discipline can be a part of discipline, it is not an accurate description of discipline as a whole.

B. Harsh: This answer choice implies that discipline involves harsh or severe actions or behaviors. Although discipline may sometimes involve consequences or corrective measures, it does not necessarily mean that these actions are always harsh.

C. Expected: This answer choice suggests that discipline refers to behaviors that are expected or required. This option aligns with the common understanding of discipline, as it implies that certain actions or behaviors are expected and adhered to in order to maintain order and control in a given context.

D. Punitive: This answer choice implies that discipline involves punishment or penalty. While discipline can involve consequences for not adhering to rules or standards, it is not solely focused on punitive actions.

Based on the explanation provided, option C, "expected," seems to be the most accurate description of discipline in the given context.

I have no idea what you should have learned in this study unit.

However, your answer is probably right.