Who killed Thomas Cromwell.?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum BUT why is this under "geography?" By order of King Henry VIII in 1540, here is an excerpt of what happened:

Cromwell was charged with treason, convicted and beheaded. It is said that Henry arranged for him to be killed by a trainee executioner: it took the boy three attempts before successfully severing his head from his body.

Nice wor thank you i really needed it my computer is being put important information.Thank you once again

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you with your question about Thomas Cromwell. Now, if you are looking for detailed explanations about historical events like this, there are several ways you can find information.

1. Start with a search engine: You can use search engines like Google to search for specific questions or topics. In this case, you could search for "Who killed Thomas Cromwell?" and you will likely find reliable sources such as historical articles or encyclopedia entries that provide detailed information.

2. Look for historical books or articles: There are many books and articles written about historical events and figures. You can visit your local library or search online platforms like Amazon or Google Books to find resources specifically about Thomas Cromwell and his execution.

3. Consult reputable historical websites: Websites such as Britannica, History.com, or the British Library can provide authoritative information about historical events and figures. These websites often have well-researched articles written by experts in the field.

Remember to always critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure they are reliable and accurate. Look for reputable authors, check for references or sources cited, and consider cross-referencing the information from multiple sources to get a complete and accurate understanding.

I hope these tips help you find the information you need, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!