a guy has $4.40 of nickels, dimes and quarters. he has twice as many dimes then quarters. how many nickels does he have?

d = 2q

5n+10d+25q = 440

There will probably be no single solution, since you only have two equations.

To find the number of nickels, dimes, and quarters, we can set up an equation:

Let's assume the number of quarters is q.
Since the guy has twice as many dimes as quarters, the number of dimes would be 2q.
And the number of nickels would be represented by n.

The value of quarters would be 25 cents (0.25), dimes would be 10 cents (0.10), and nickels would be 5 cents (0.05).

We can now set up an equation to represent the total value the guy has in dollars:

0.25q + 0.10(2q) + 0.05n = 4.40

Simplifying the equation:

0.25q + 0.20q + 0.05n = 4.40
0.45q + 0.05n = 4.40

Now, we need additional information to solve this equation. Is the number of quarters an even number, or can it be any integer value? Please provide this information so I can help you further.