Jordan is making a beaded necklace, 2/3 of the beads she uses are red and 4/21 of the beads are blue, she wants the rest to be white, what fraction of the beads should be white?

2/3 = 14/21

21-14-4 = the # of the beads left
that # = 3
so 3 bead should be white

1/7 will be the ans

let x be the total number of beads

2x/3 + 4x/21 + whites = x
times 21
14x + 4x + 21whites = 21x
21whites = 3x
whites = (1/7)x or (1/7) of the total

You are such and inspiration Abbey! My son and I went out and bouhgt materials to make key chains for Christmas this morning thanks to you. (pony beads, lanyard and hooks) I also got pipe cleaners for him too. He had a blast and I felt like I was being a good mom ;)

So I would give out the answer....But I don't have a clue thank you!!!!


Why me


To find the fraction of beads that should be white, we need to determine the fraction of beads that are neither red nor blue.

Let's start by calculating the fraction of red beads:

If 2/3 of the beads are red, then the fraction of red beads is 2/3.

Next, let's calculate the fraction of blue beads:

If 4/21 of the beads are blue, then the fraction of blue beads is 4/21.

To find the fraction of beads that are neither red nor blue, we need to subtract the fractions of red and blue beads from 1 (since the total fraction of beads should be 1):

1 - (2/3 + 4/21)

To add fractions with different denominators, we need to find a common denominator:

The least common denominator (LCD) of 3 and 21 is 21.

So, we can rewrite the expression as:

1 - (14/21 + 4/21)

Now, we can combine the fractions:

1 - 18/21

To subtract fractions, we need a common denominator, which is already 21.

1 * 21/21 - 18/21

21/21 - 18/21

(21 - 18)/21


Now, we can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3.

3/21 รท 3/3


Therefore, the fraction of beads that should be white is 1/7.