what should the artist do first in order to draw this two point perspective image


what was the answer

To draw a two-point perspective image, the artist should start by following these steps:

1. Visualize the composition: Determine the position of the horizon line and what objects or elements will be included in the drawing. This will help create a clear vision of the final image.

2. Establish the vanishing points: Identify two vanishing points on the horizon line. These points will guide the convergence of lines in the drawing and create the illusion of depth.

3. Draw the horizon line: Use a ruler to draw a straight line across the page. This line represents the viewer's eye level and will also serve as a reference point for other lines.

4. Create the centerline: Draw a vertical line on the center of the page, perpendicular to the horizon line. This line will be used as a reference for the height of objects and determine their vertical positioning.

5. Start with basic shapes: Begin by sketching simple shapes and forms in the scene, using light and loose lines. These shapes will act as placeholders for the final objects and will be refined later.

6. Connect lines to vanishing points: Starting from the corners or edges of the shapes, draw lines that converge towards the vanishing points. These lines will create the appearance of depth and establish the perspective in the drawing.

7. Refine the composition: Once the basic shapes and lines are established, start refining the details, adding more precise lines, and adjusting the proportions and perspective as necessary. Pay attention to the relationship between objects and how they align with the vanishing points.

8. Add shading and texture: Apply shading and texture to objects to enhance the three-dimensional effect. Consider the position of the light source and how it affects the shadows and highlights in the scene.

9. Erase unnecessary guidelines: Clean up the drawing by erasing any remaining construction lines or guidelines, leaving only the final lines and details.

Remember, practice and patience are key when learning perspective drawing. Start with simple objects and gradually progress to more complex scenes as you become comfortable with the technique.