how do I write (-7)^-2 with out a exponent



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To write (-7)^-2 without an exponent, you can rewrite it using the reciprocal property of exponents. The reciprocal of a number is its multiplicative inverse—when multiplied together, they result in the number 1. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the expression (-7)^-2.
2. Apply the reciprocal property by rewriting it as 1/(-7)^2.
3. Now, you need to calculate (-7)^2, which means multiplying -7 by itself: (-7) × (-7) = 49.
4. Finally, substitute the value of (-7)^2 into the expression: 1/49.

Therefore, the expression (-7)^-2 is equivalent to 1/49.