what is the expanded form for 408,032,009

Write 408,032,009 in expanded form


To find the expanded form of a number, we need to identify the value of each digit in the given number. Let's break down the number 408,032,009:

4 is in the hundred millions place.
0 is in the ten millions place.
8 is in the millions place.
0 is in the hundred thousands place.
3 is in the ten thousands place.
2 is in the thousands place.
0 is in the hundreds place.
0 is in the tens place.
9 is in the units (ones) place.

Now we can write the expanded form by placing each digit in its respective place value:

400,000,000 + 0 + 8,000,000 + 0 + 30,000 + 2,000 + 0 + 0 + 9

Therefore, the expanded form of 408,032,009 is:

400,000,000 + 0 + 8,000,000 + 0 + 30,000 + 2,000 + 0 + 0 + 9