a birthday cake was cut into eight pieces. one of the pieces was taken by a pair of twin sisters. what fraction of cake did each sister get?

1 piece out of 8 = 1/8

Assuming that each twin received equal portions,

1/8 divided by 2 = ?

PsyDAG is right. I misread the problem.

To find the fraction of the cake that each sister got, we need to determine how many pieces the pair of twin sisters took and divide it by the total number of pieces.

In this case, the cake was cut into eight pieces, and one of those pieces was taken by the twin sisters. We need to divide this "1 piece" by the "8 pieces" total.

The fraction each sister received can be calculated as follows:

1 piece taken by the twin sisters / 8 total pieces

Since there are two sisters, we need to divide it further:

(1 piece taken by the twin sisters / 8 total pieces) ÷ 2 sisters

Simplifying the arithmetic:

1/8 ÷ 2

To divide a fraction by a whole number, we multiply the fraction by the reciprocal of that number:

1/8 × 1/2

Now, we multiply the numerators and denominators together:

1 × 1 = 1
8 × 2 = 16

The fraction each sister received is 1/16 of the cake.