Express in scientific notation. Make sure your answer has the same number of significant figures as the starting value.

0.01325 = _____

1.325 x 10-2

1.0 x 10-2

1.3 x 10-2

For every numeral that you move to the right with a decimal point, you have another negative power of ten.

Online "^" is used to indicate an exponent, e.g., x^2 = x squared.

Ten to the minus two power is written 10^-2. This way, it will not be confused with ten minus two.

To express a number in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point until there is only one nonzero digit to the left of the decimal point. The exponent of the power of 10 will be determined by the number of decimal places we moved the decimal point.

In the given example, the original number is 0.01325. To write it in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point four places to the right so that there is only one nonzero digit to the left of the decimal point.

0.01325 = 1.325 × 10^-2

The exponent of the power of 10 is negative because we moved the decimal point to the right. Since the original number has five significant figures, the final answer should also have five significant figures. Therefore, the correct expression in scientific notation, rounded to five significant figures, is:

0.01325 ≈ 1.325 × 10^-2