i have to write an body paragraph.

identify 2 actions taken by the US government that have been influenced by geographic factors.

im using the lewis and clark expedition

i have:

in 1804 two men were sent westward by president thomas jefferson. they were sent because the presindent want to know what was in the land (lousina purchase). these men(lewis and clark)wrote in journals and drew maps to complete their expedition.

i need more information. please help me thanx!!!

Erie Canal?
Panama Canal?
Trans Pacific Railroad (Govt provided the land)
Purchase of Alaska

These are actions taken by the Government in response to geography.

who killedthomas Cromwell?



help me study

What is the power of the Supreme Court to decide whether laws passed by congress are constitutional?

The power of the Supreme Court to decide whether laws passed by Congress are constitutional is known as judicial review. This power is derived from the doctrine established in the landmark case, Marbury v. Madison, decided in 1803.

To study and understand this concept further, I would recommend the following steps:

1. Read about Marbury v. Madison: Start by researching and reading about the Marbury v. Madison case. Understand the background, the issues at hand, and the Supreme Court's reasoning for establishing the power of judicial review.

2. Understand the Constitution: Familiarize yourself with the United States Constitution, particularly its structure and the separation of powers among the three branches of government - legislative, executive, and judicial. Gain an understanding of how the Constitution establishes the Supreme Court as the highest court in the land.

3. Study landmark cases: Explore other landmark Supreme Court cases that have shaped the understanding and application of judicial review, such as Brown v. Board of Education, Roe v. Wade, or Obergefell v. Hodges. Pay attention to the Court's reasoning and how they evaluate the constitutionality of laws.

4. Read commentaries and analyses: To delve deeper into the topic, read commentaries, scholarly articles, or books written by legal experts about the power of judicial review. These writings provide additional insights and perspectives that can enhance your understanding.

5. Analyze relevant cases: Apply your knowledge by analyzing recent cases where the Supreme Court has exercised its power of judicial review. Read the Court's opinions and dissenting opinions to understand the arguments made by the justices and how they reach their decisions.

6. Discuss and debate: Engage in discussions or debates about the power of judicial review with classmates or study groups. This will help you solidify your understanding and explore different points of view.

7. Practice with hypothetical scenarios: Test your understanding by considering hypothetical scenarios and determining whether a law would be considered constitutional or not based on the power of judicial review. Use the knowledge you have acquired to evaluate the constitutionality of different laws or actions.

Remember, studying any legal concept requires careful reading, analysis, and critical thinking. Taking these steps will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of the power of the Supreme Court to decide the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress.