1/why can 0 be divided by any number , but any number cann't be divided by 0?

Answer: I don't know..

2/ Mr. Cruz is planning to give each of his students 2 pencils for their math test . Pencils come in packs of 8 . If he has 32 students ,can he open enough packs to give all his students pencils but have none left over ?
32 divide 8=4
Help me..

The principal property of 0 is that for any real a, a*0 = 0

Now, suppose that we want to divide by 0. That means that if
a/0 = b, then
a = b*0

But b*0 is 0 for any b. That is, there is no real value of b for which b*0 is a nonzero number a.

Think of the quotient when the divisor shrinks:

1/.1 = 10
1/.01 = 100
1/.0000001 = 10,000,000
as the divisor gets smaller, the quotient gets larger. Finally, when the divisor is zero, the quotient is larger than any possible value. That is why it is undefined.

As for the pencils, he want 2 per student. That means he needs 64 pencils.
Since 8 divides 64, he can get exactly 64/8 = 8 packs of pencils and use them all up.

1/ Why can 0 be divided by any number, but any number can't be divided by 0?

The reason that 0 can be divided by any number is because when we divide any number by 0, we get an undefined result. Division is essentially the inverse operation of multiplication. When we divide a number by another number, we are essentially asking "How many times does the divisor go into the dividend?"

For example, 10 divided by 2 gives us 5 because 2 goes into 10 exactly 5 times (2 * 5 = 10). Similarly, 10 divided by 5 gives us 2 because 5 goes into 10 exactly 2 times (5 * 2 = 10).

However, when we try to divide any number by 0, we run into a problem. Let's say we try to divide 10 by 0. We are essentially asking "How many times does 0 go into 10?" Well, the answer is undefined because no matter how many times we try to divide 0 into 10, we can never get a result. It's like asking "How many groups of 0 can we make to get 10?"

On the other hand, when we try to divide 0 by any number, the result is 0. This is because there are no groups of the divisor that can be made to give us 0. For example, 0 divided by 2 is 0 because there are no groups of 2 that can be made to give us 0.

In summary, 0 can be divided by any number and the result is always 0. However, any number divided by 0 is undefined because there are no groups of 0 that can be made to give us the desired number.

2/ Mr. Cruz is planning to give each of his students 2 pencils for their math test. Pencils come in packs of 8. If he has 32 students, can he open enough packs to give all his students pencils but have none left over?

To determine if Mr. Cruz can give each student 2 pencils but have none left over, we need to divide the total number of pencils by the number of pencils in each pack.

Total number of pencils = 32 students * 2 pencils = 64 pencils
Number of pencils in each pack = 8 pencils

To find out if there will be any left over pencils, we need to divide the total number of pencils by the number of pencils in each pack:

Dividing 64 pencils by 8 pencils per pack, we get:

64 pencils รท 8 pencils per pack = 8 packs

Since we need 8 packs of pencils to satisfy the requirement of giving each student 2 pencils, Mr. Cruz can indeed open enough packs to give all his students pencils but have none left over.