11. Under the _______ system, Spanish conquistadores were rewarded with local villages and control over the local labor force.

A. encomienda
B. plantation
C. impresario
D. land reform


12. Which High Federalist tried to crush internal political dissent after the XYZ Affair?

A. John Adams
B. Alexander Hamilton
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. George Washington


11. Correct

12. I don't know.

The answer to 12 is Alexander Hamilton

Yes, your answer is correct. Under the given system, Spanish conquistadores were rewarded with local villages and control over the local labor force. This system is known as the encomienda system.

If you were unsure about the answer, here's how you could have figured it out:

1. Break down the question: The question is asking about a system where Spanish conquistadores were rewarded with local villages and control over the local labor force.
2. Recall your knowledge: If you are familiar with the history of Spanish colonization in the Americas, you might be able to recall the name of the system that matches this description.
3. Evaluate the options: Now, let's analyze the options provided:
- Option A: encomienda - This system fits the description given in the question.
- Option B: plantation - While plantations were a significant part of the colonial economy, they do not directly match the rewards given to conquistadores in this question.
- Option C: impresario - This term usually refers to a person who organizes and finances cultural events, so it is not related to the Spanish conquest.
- Option D: land reform - This term refers to the redistribution of land, which is not specific to the rewards given to conquistadores.
4. Choose the correct option: Based on your analysis and knowledge, you can confidently select option A, encomienda, as the correct answer.