
18 - 3w=4
+18 +18
7 1/3

I think you may have messed up on your signs a tad because you added 18 to both sides instead of subtracting it.

+3w +3w
-4 -4

You can add over the 3w to make it positive and subtract the four from the 18 like so


18-4 simplifies to 14

so 14=3w

now divide by 3


and that's your answer.

Be sure to plug in the values you find back into the problem to see if both sides end up equivalent.

Adding 3w-4 on both sides

dividing both sides by 3

To solve the equation 4 = 18 - 3w, you need to isolate the variable "w". Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Start with the equation: 4 = 18 - 3w.
2. To eliminate the constant term on the right side, subtract 18 from both sides of the equation:
4 - 18 = 18 - 18 - 3w.
This simplifies to: -14 = -3w.
3. Next, divide both sides of the equation by -3 to solve for "w":
(-14) / (-3) = (-3w) / (-3).
The negative signs cancel out, resulting in: 14/3 = w.
4. Therefore, the solution to the equation is w = 14/3, which can also be written as 4 2/3 or 4.67 (rounded to two decimal places).

Based on your additional calculation: 18 - 3w = 4, you added 18 to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable "w". This step is not necessary since the goal is to get the variable "w" alone on one side, not the constant term alone.