Thanks SraJMcGin for replying. For some reason the second half of my post never appeared; my computer was having issues with this site for some reason earlier today. What I meant more specifically was different methods of preparations for food (grilled, baked, fried, boiled, frozen, spicy, creamy and mild). I'd use an online translator, but in the past I have gotten innaccurate answers from them. Merci beaucoup!

Salut! If you tried to "cut and paste" it rarely works here. You have to type everything out.

Yes, translators NEVER work well! They can not get the "nuances" of a language. When you use a dictionary, here is a format to use:
1. take the English word, look up the French and write down EVERY possibility.
2. take EACH French word and look up the primary meaning in English.
3. now, select the correct word, carefully, depending upon the context, or exactly how the word is used.

There is actually no shortcut for translating. Only by practicing, can you learn what is best.

Remember that I'm going to give you adjectives, so be sure you have the correct gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) to match the noun(s) modified.

grilled = grillé
baked = cuit au four
fried = frit
boiled = bouilli
frozen = surgelé
spicy = ´ épicé OR piquant (depending)
creamy = crémeux (-euse)
mild = doux (douce)


P.S. Some other vocabulary words you didn't ask for but might like:

braised = braisé
raw = cru
steamed (fish, for example) = à l'étouffée
stuffed = farci
smoked = fumé
in juices = au jus
marinated = mariné
simmered, slow-cooked = mijoté
poached = persillé
poached = poché
mashed, pureed = en purée
stewed = en ragoût
grated = râpé
roast(ed) = rôti
sauteed = sauté


You're welcome! I'm here to help you with different methods of food preparation. When it comes to preparing food, there are indeed various methods you can use, each resulting in different flavors and textures. Let's go through some common methods of food preparation:

1. Grilled: Grilling involves cooking food over direct heat, usually on a grill or barbecue. It's a popular method for meats, vegetables, and even fruits. Grilling imparts a smoky flavor and creates a charred exterior while keeping the interior juicy.

2. Baked: Baking refers to cooking food in an oven, surrounded by dry heat. It's commonly used for dishes like casseroles, bread, cakes, and roasted meats or vegetables. Baking can result in a golden, crispy exterior and a tender inside.

3. Fried: Frying is a method that involves cooking food in hot oil or fat. It's often used for foods like french fries, chicken, and doughnuts. Frying creates a crispy, browned exterior and is known for adding richness and flavor.

4. Boiled: Boiling is a simple method where food is cooked in boiling liquid, usually water. It's commonly used for pasta, rice, soups, and vegetables. Boiling allows the flavors to mix and infuse the food, and it also helps retain the moisture.

5. Frozen: Freezing is a method of food preservation rather than preparation. It involves storing food at very low temperatures to keep it fresh for a longer period. Freezing is commonly used for fruits, vegetables, meats, and prepared meals.

6. Spicy: Adding spices or spicy ingredients to your food can create a hot and flavorful taste. Spices like chili powder, cayenne pepper, or hot sauce can be used to add heat, while ingredients like ginger, garlic, or paprika can add depth of flavor.

7. Creamy: Creamy preparations involve adding dairy products like cream, milk, or butter to the dish. This not only adds richness but also gives a smooth and velvety texture. Creamy foods are often associated with comfort and indulgence.

8. Mild: A mild preparation focuses on flavors that are more subtle and less intense. It aims to enhance the natural taste of the ingredients rather than adding strong seasonings. Mild preparations are often preferred in dishes like soups, salads, or delicate proteins.

To get accurate translations for each of these methods, I recommend using a reliable online translation tool like Google Translate or Reverso. Just input the term you want to translate and select the desired language. However, keep in mind that translation tools may have limitations, so it's always valuable to double-check with additional resources or consult with native speakers for the most accurate translations.