Help me please.


1. √-36

2. -√-625

wait i just need help with number 2, i got number 1 which is 6i

1. -1.44 to the 18th power

2. -1.286 to the 39th power

oops nevermind i did it wrong


for number 2 the choices are:

a. 25i

b. 8i√5

c. -8i√5

d. -25i

it's 25i

oh okay thank you!

no problem :)

Of course! I'd be happy to help you. Let's simplify these expressions step by step.

1. √-36:
To simplify the square root of a negative number, we need to use imaginary numbers. Let's break this down:

- First, let's rewrite the given expression as √(-1)(36).
- We know that the square root of -1 is denoted as "i", which represents an imaginary unit.
- So, we can rewrite the expression as √(i²)(36).
- Applying the product rule of square roots, we can split the expression into two separate square roots: √(i²) * √(36).
- The square root of i² can be simplified to just "i".
- The square root of 36 is 6.
- Combining these results, we get i * 6, which simplifies to 6i.
Therefore, the simplified form of √-36 is 6i.

2. -√-625:
Using the same process as before, let's simplify this expression step by step:

- First, rewrite the expression as -√(-1)(625).
- Again, the square root of -1 is represented as "i".
- Thus, we can rewrite the expression as -√(i²)(625).
- Using the product rule of square roots, we can separate the two square roots: -√(i²) * √(625).
- The square root of i² simplifies to "i".
- The square root of 625 is 25.
- Combining these results, we get -i * 25, which simplifies to -25i.
Therefore, the simplified form of -√-625 is -25i.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to simplify expressions involving square roots of negative numbers using imaginary units! Let me know if you have any further questions.