1.An example of verbal irony is:

a)Macbeth saying, "O, yet I do repent me of my fury, that I did kill them."
b)Macduff referring to Lady Macbeth as "O, Gentle Lady"
c) Macduff saying, "O horror, horror, horror."
d) the witches saying, "fair is foul and foul is fair."

answer b.

2.The blood on Macbeth's hands symbolizes:
d)both a and b

answer c.

3.Which sentence below does NOT contain any errors in comma usage?
a) Macbeth Lady Macbeth, and Duncan were all friends.
b)The witches predict many things for Macbeth, but Lady Macbeth still encouraged him to kill the king.
c) Macduff Banquo and Donalbain were shocked over King Duncan's murder.
d)Macbeth is feeling guilty over his actions but his wife feels he has done the right thing.

answer b.

4. Macduff suspects thatL
a)Macbeth killed Duncan
b)LAdy Macbeth is guilty of conspiracy
c)Malcolm and Donalbain bribed the king's servants to kill him
d)the servants are innocent and were framed.

I'm stuck between a and d

5. Macbeth's request that murderers kill Banquo and Fleance suggests:
a)Macbeth is weak
b)Macbeth is angry
c)Macbeth has become power hungry and out of control
d) Lady Macbeth is encouraging Macbeth

answer c

6. Hectate suggests ______ is Macbeth's worst enemy.
b)Lady Macbeth
d) Macduff


4. I would go with (a)

6. I agree with.... overconfidence equates with ego...in my opinion.

For question 1, to determine the example of verbal irony, you would need to identify a statement that expresses the opposite of what is truly meant. To find the answer, you would need to understand the definition of verbal irony and analyze the options provided. Option b, Macduff referring to Lady Macbeth as "O, Gentle Lady," expresses verbal irony because Lady Macbeth is not actually gentle. Therefore, the correct answer is b.

For question 2, to determine the symbolism of the blood on Macbeth's hands, you would need to analyze the context and themes of the play. The blood on Macbeth's hands symbolizes guilt, as he is haunted by his actions throughout the play. Understanding the themes and motifs in "Macbeth" would help you arrive at the correct answer, which is c.

For question 3, to identify the sentence without errors in comma usage, you would need to have a good understanding of comma rules and how they are used in sentences. By analyzing the options and identifying any potential comma errors, you can determine the correct answer. In this case, option b, "The witches predict many things for Macbeth, but Lady Macbeth still encouraged him to kill the king," does not contain any errors in comma usage. Therefore, the answer is b.

For question 4, to determine the correct suspect according to Macduff, you would need to consider the events leading up to his suspicion and any evidence provided in the play. Analyzing the options and identifying any clues or references in the text can help you arrive at the correct answer. Without further context, it is unclear whether Macduff suspects Macbeth (option a) or believes that the servants are innocent and framed (option d). You may need to consult the text or further information to determine the correct answer.

For question 5, to interpret Macbeth's request to have Banquo and Fleance killed, you would need to understand the character development and motivations of Macbeth throughout the play. Analyzing his actions, as well as the consequences and implications of his request, can help you choose the correct answer. In this case, Macbeth's request suggests that he has become power-hungry and out of control (option c).

For question 6, to determine Hectate's suggestion of Macbeth's worst enemy, you would need to consider the context and the characters involved. Understanding the character dynamics and relationships can help you identify the correct answer. In this case, Hectate suggests that Macbeth's worst enemy is overconfidence (option c).