Express in scientific notation. Choose the answer with the proper number of significant figures.


0.47 x 10-17

0.5 x 10-17

5 x 10-18


To express a number in scientific notation, you need to move the decimal point to the right or left to obtain a number between 1 and 10, and then multiply it by a power of 10.

In this case, we have 0.47 x 10^-17. To move the decimal point, we can shift it 2 places to the right, giving us 4.7. However, we need to consider significant figures when expressing the result in scientific notation.

The original number, 0.47, has two significant figures. Therefore, the answer must also have two significant figures.

Out of the three choices given, only "0.5 x 10^-17" has two significant figures. So, the correct expression in scientific notation is 0.5 x 10^-17.