Joel works part time at a grocery store to earn extra money to buy a furniture set that costs 1200 She currently has 750 saved and wants to add 35 dollars each week from per paycheck

Write an inequality that could be used to determine w the number of weeks she will have to save plus her sasvings in order for her to have more than 1200

your inequality is correct. So,

750+35w > 1200
35w > 450
w > 12.8

Since she probably doesn't get paid till the end of the week, that means she'll need to work at least 13 more weeks to have the $1200 saved up.

Correct! The inequality that could be used to determine the number of weeks Joel will have to save, plus her savings, in order for her to have more than $1200 is:

750 + 35w > 1200

w = the number of weeks she will save
750 = her current savings
35 = the amount she plans to add each week from her paycheck.

To write the inequality, we need to consider the initial savings of $750 and the amount she will add each week, which is $35 from each paycheck. We'll represent the number of weeks as 'w'.

The total savings after 'w' weeks can be calculated by adding her initial savings to the amount she saves each week multiplied by the number of weeks. So the inequality can be written as:

750 + 35w > 1200

This inequality expresses that the total savings (750 + 35w) should be greater than 1200 for her to have enough money to buy the furniture set.