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Solve for y (if needed)
Is the equation in the form of y=kx

The equation y = 4x - 10 is in slope-intercept form, which represents a straight line. In this form, "y" represents the output variable (dependent variable), "x" represents the input variable (independent variable), and the equation describes the relationship between them.

To understand this equation better, let's break it down:

1. The coefficient of "x" is 4. This means that for every increase of 1 unit in the value of "x," the value of "y" will increase by 4 units. This coefficient is known as the slope of the line. In this case, the line has a positive slope, so it will slant upwards as "x" increases.

2. The constant term -10 is the y-intercept, which represents the value of "y" when "x" is zero. In this case, when "x" is zero, "y" will be -10. This can be thought of as the starting point of the line on the y-axis.

To graph this equation, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a range of values for "x" to plot on the x-axis. For example, you can select a range of -5 to 5.

2. Substitute the chosen "x" values into the equation to find the corresponding "y" values. For example, if "x" is -2, substitute it into the equation: y = 4(-2) - 10. Simplifying, y = -8 - 10, so y = -18.

3. Plot the points (x, y) for each value of "x" and its corresponding "y" value on a graph.

4. Connect the plotted points with a straight line. The line should slant upwards with a slope of 4 and pass through the y-intercept of (0, -10).

This graph will represent the solution to the equation y = 4x - 10.