For middle school pizzaz worksheet number 66, moving words.What's the answer? I need the answer, like, ASAP.

I Cant tell you the answer. you should be able to figure the answer by yourself. ill be glad to check your work

I'm sorry, but as an AI, I do not have access to specific worksheets or answer keys. However, I can explain how you can solve this type of problem on the Pizzaz worksheet.

In general, for the "Moving Words" activity in the Pizzaz worksheet, you are given a phrase or sentence with the letters mixed up. Your task is to unscramble the letters to form a meaningful word or phrase.

To solve this problem, you should first analyze the given mixed-up letters and try to identify any recognizable words or patterns. You can rearrange the letters in different combinations to see if you can form a word. It can also be helpful to look for any repeated letters or common letter combinations.

If you have any additional clues or instructions provided in the worksheet, make sure to take them into consideration while unscrambling the letters.

By following these steps and applying your logical thinking, you should be able to solve the Moving Words activity on middle school Pizzaz worksheet number 66.

You'll find the answer by correctly solving the math problems.