I chose the answer that I believe to be correct. I need help from an expert to indicate if the answers that I chose are right or wrong answers and indicate the correct letter or answer needed.

Question 1
1. Dr. Jones encountered a problem with a new client in therapy. Using the model of reflective practice what is the sequence of steps Dr. Jones should use in order to work with this client effectively?

a. Reflect on what has worked best in his own personal experience and apply that knowledge to the client's problem.x (I chose "A" as my answer)

b. Reflect on well-established theories that fit the case; apply the theoretical knowledge to the individual's case; and then test out new ways of thinking about the problem if theoretical knowledge does not suffice.

c. Apply experience-based knowledge first and then use theory-based knowledge as the next step.

d. First test out any method by subjecting it to rigorous scientific experimentation and then apply it for use with the client.

Question 2
1. Using Eriksons developmental theory as a framework, which of the following statements is an accurate representation of his ideas?

a. An individual cannot progress to a later stage unless the earlier stage has been resolved successfully and completely. x (I chose "A" as my answer)

b. Successful progression through the stages of development depends upon effective resolution of the Oedipal crisis.

c. Successful resolution of a crisis at any stage depends upon having more positive than negative experiences in the psychosocial area of major concern.

d. Highly intelligent individuals can skip specific stages and make progress at a faster rate than other people.

For Question 1, the correct answer is b. Reflect on well-established theories that fit the case; apply the theoretical knowledge to the individual's case; and then test out new ways of thinking about the problem if theoretical knowledge does not suffice.

For Question 2, the correct answer is c. Successful resolution of a crisis at any stage depends upon having more positive than negative experiences in the psychosocial area of major concern.

To determine the correct answers and explanations for Question 1 and Question 2, you need an expert in the field of psychology or someone who is familiar with the specific theories being referenced in these questions. The expert would be able to provide the accurate answers and explain why those answers are correct.

For Question 1, the correct answer appears to be option b: Reflect on well-established theories that fit the case; apply the theoretical knowledge to the individual's case; and then test out new ways of thinking about the problem if theoretical knowledge does not suffice. This is because reflective practice typically involves drawing upon existing theoretical knowledge and applying it to the specific situation. Option a does not align with reflective practice as it suggests relying solely on personal experience rather than incorporating established theories. Options c and d also do not describe the reflective practice model accurately.

For Question 2, the correct answer appears to be option a: An individual cannot progress to a later stage unless the earlier stage has been resolved successfully and completely. Erikson's developmental theory emphasizes the importance of successfully resolving earlier stages before progressing to later stages. Options b and c do not accurately represent Erikson's ideas, and option d is not a concept supported by Erikson's theory.

Remember, it is always best to consult with an expert in the specific field when you have questions about academic or specialized subjects to ensure that you receive accurate and reliable information.